Friday, 20 November 2015

final elevation

final elevation

This has been a bit difficulty project  trying to find different musics for album coves and trying to take photos with the weather trying to get the right ones and trying to get to different location in little time to take photos of the right thing.

The thing good about this project is research different bands and finding more about the bands and finding about what the wear in the 60's 70's and 80;s one of the best band i did was the jam because i like the jam and listing to it some time that why i choose it because it a good album to chill out to.

I  think i could done better on some the task but some of it was hard and not really interesting and something it was a bit boring to do and i got a bit fed going out sometimes and talking photos i tired to get out of Bradford and take different photos of somewhere else.

I  think  overall  i did ok and tried my best on some stuff but some stuff i did need help and explain twice to or so just to make sure i have done it right and the project was alight for a bit but on the next one i would to like to something more interesting and to  go out of Bradford like Manchester or London that would be good to take photos and I would like to go to county side to that would be good to.

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